
Client referral


Millers Oils, have been working in collaboration with Jess at My Exceptional for 18 months and the results achieved are exactly that... Exceptional! Engaged to accelerate the development of the business and the culture of our operation, Jess invested the personal time to fully understand the true meaning of our company vision, mission and strategic objectives and empowered the business by facilitating the processes necessary to build the required resilience essential to the achievement of our goals. Jess, possesses a clarity of thinking and is able to clearly communicate and engage with people at all stages of their personal development [...]

Client referral 2021-01-29T13:28:49+00:00

Business Psychologist


Is your business neglecting the one area that can have the biggest impact on performance? Stop, think and get a Head Start! A business psychologist? I don't have mental health issues, what do I need a psychologist for? You invest in the best software, in recruiting the best talent, in getting the best suppliers and improving operations. You probably have maintenance on your equipment, computers, software updates, always making sure that is running to the best it can. Why not invest in your head? After all it's what makes the decisions, it is the part that communicates, that leads [...]

Business Psychologist 2020-09-25T10:49:42+00:00

Failure Hurts: How to get “bouncebackability”


Understand your self-worth: If you are conscious of your true self-worth then you will be more likely to respond to others judgments, decisions or actions that go against you in a logical and more rational manner, making overcoming the obstacles easier and quicker. Spending time to know yourself, stepping away from other people’s opinions, and depending only on your own knowledge, realising your strengths and virtues. Write them down, focus on them so you can recall them whenever you start to question your ability and feel like you’re starting to take things to heart. Memorise the top five in various situations, [...]

Failure Hurts: How to get “bouncebackability” 2021-01-29T13:23:27+00:00

Personal gains


We would all like to be able to keep business and personal life separate, realistically there are always times when one crosses over and negatively impacts another. Working with a business coach who also has life coaching experience means that on occasion we can tackle the personal obstacles which might be impacting your performance at work. Quite often business people don’t feel able to discuss personal issues at work, or work issues at home. Since this is where people spend 95% of their time (not including sleep) this means that often there is a gap that never gets considered and [...]

Personal gains 2021-01-29T13:48:29+00:00

Golden circle


Find your Why, Golden Circle, Increase your GRIT, DRIVE, motivation, inspiration, resilience, stoicism and other business buzz word bingo words.    All those popular phrases and acronyms doing the rounds on TED talks, can be covered during your coaching sessions. We build on weaknesses, learn how to harness strengths, increase resilience and my word which I’ve been using since 2004 is “bouncebackability” (I stole from soccer AM, Sky, Tim Lovejoy and used regularly for when I was recruiting sales people, they must demonstrate “bouncebackability). We find what really motivates and grabs you, we look at how to reframe from a [...]

Golden circle 2021-01-29T13:12:43+00:00

Increased power and respect


Power in the board room, respect within the business, respect amongst your peers, from your team members. The ability to stand tall, push yourself forward and own your decisions with confidence. Clients will be much more aware and be able to determine why they are putting ideas forward, have started new initiatives, changed behaviours, changed processes and justify those changes. With increased clarity, focus and success it is much easier to lead people, move forwards and create change to embrace a positive future. You will find your why and be able to inspire others more readily. How often does a [...]

Increased power and respect 2021-01-29T14:10:03+00:00