Be Better Blog

/Be Better Blog

Client referral


Millers Oils, have been working in collaboration with Jess at My Exceptional for 18 months and the results achieved are exactly that... Exceptional! Engaged to accelerate the development of the business and the culture of our operation, Jess invested the personal time to fully understand the true meaning of our company vision, mission and strategic objectives and empowered the business by facilitating the processes necessary to build the required resilience essential to the achievement of our goals. Jess, possesses a clarity of thinking and is able to clearly communicate and engage with people at all stages of their personal development [...]

Client referral 2021-01-29T13:28:49+00:00

Sleep, children, exams and you


Make sleep a priority Teenagers need a minimum of 8 hours up to about 10 hrs a night, with most research favouring over 9 hours. This is critical to their ability to cope, learn and manage stress. Sleep helps with weight management, stress and anxiety, ability to cope, ability to learn, ability to concentrate. Don’t laugh as there are ways to get your kids to agree to this, but electronics in bedrooms has a negative impact on sleep cycles. There is no research that I can find anywhere that says ‘watching tv or playing Xbox or watching you tube videos’ [...]

Sleep, children, exams and you 2021-01-29T13:16:20+00:00

How to spot an employee that needs Head Health support?


Do you imagine they look sad or miserable, perhaps they constantly have their head in their hands, perhaps you imagine it’s someone who take a lot of time off sick. Could it be tears and crying, complaining to work colleagues, coming in late, lots of doctors appointments? Perhaps missed deadlines, quality and quantity of work dropping off, looking tired? Someone who has recently suffered loss, or divorce, home problems, has poor physical health, or has financial issues? The truth is that it could be all or none of the above. People, from the top boss down to the minimum wage workers [...]

How to spot an employee that needs Head Health support? 2021-01-29T13:18:54+00:00

Failure Hurts: How to get “bouncebackability”


Understand your self-worth: If you are conscious of your true self-worth then you will be more likely to respond to others judgments, decisions or actions that go against you in a logical and more rational manner, making overcoming the obstacles easier and quicker. Spending time to know yourself, stepping away from other people’s opinions, and depending only on your own knowledge, realising your strengths and virtues. Write them down, focus on them so you can recall them whenever you start to question your ability and feel like you’re starting to take things to heart. Memorise the top five in various situations, [...]

Failure Hurts: How to get “bouncebackability” 2021-01-29T13:23:27+00:00